Risk assessment schedule

Coln St. Aldwyns Parish Council Risk Assessment Schedule Definition of Risk Management Risk is the threat that an event or action will adversely affect an organisation’s ability to achieve its objectives and to successfully execute its strategies. Risk management is the process by which risks are identified, evaluated and controlled. It is a key element of the framework of governance together with community focus, structures and processes, standards of conduct and service delivery arrangements. The Council is aware that although some risks can never be eliminated fully, it has in place a strategy that provides a structured, systematic and focuses approach to managing risk, which: Identifies the risks Identifies the level of risk Evaluates the management and control of the risk and records findings Reviews, assesses and has in place suitable procedures. Management Subject     Risks identified     Risk       Control of Risk                               Review/Date                                                                                                                                                                           Level                                                              revised.                                                H/M/L         .                                                                                              Business      Council not able     L         Parish Council records are at             Continuity   to continue its                    the home of the parish clerk,                                  business  due to                  Paper records and on a computer                     unexpected                         which is backed up and a copy                       events.                                stored off the premises.                                                                                                                              The PC chairman has full access to                                                                these and is able to access them.                                                                            Meeting                                                 Any premises at which meetings                 Location        Meetings will       L         are held will be inspected to ensure                       be held at various            they comply with all                       locations .                        Health and Safety requirements thus                                                               ensuring the safety of Councillors,                                                               Clerk and any parishioners who attend.                                                                                                                         Finance Banking        Loss of funds         L        Monthly bank reconciliation           Existing                       through theft                    by the clerk and confirmed by         procedure                       or fraud                            appointed Council Member.            satisfactory                                                                External annual audit. 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Published                                                         Schedule                                                                                                                              Liability Public Liability Risk to third         Injury to               L            Insurance in place                 Existing parties,property    children in                         for all of the following.          procedure  or individuals       the playground                  Also all assets                         satisfactory                                                                                                         .                                                     and playground                                                                                                                frequently  checked                                                                                                                                                       Injury to third       L            Annual inspection of                              parties due to                      playground by ROSPA                              failure  of other                   approved inspector.                              assets.                              Injury or loss to any                              to any third party                               resulting from any                              activities of the Council.          Councillor              Injury to or         L               Insurance cover               Existing Liability                 liability of                            in place.                           procedure                                councillors.                                                                  satisfactory Employers             Injury or loss        L              Legal liability                   Existing               Liability.                to an employee                     insurance in place             procedure                                  resulting from                                                                satisfacrory                                employer                                negligence . 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